Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We got to see the freshly renovated Berlin Wall; it's one of few existing parts of the Wall. This part of the Wall has the most graphics and it was painted last year again, to keep the images simply ... brilliant.

Molecule Men in the Spree River.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Holocaust Memorial's purpose is to remind you of the horrible past and respect the lost lives. But, Berliners are being too careless with this memorial; where they sit, or in this picture, jump from square to square.

Dodging bubbles around the Brandenburg Gate.

A memorial for any war incidents. A mother holding her dying son.

Not only are the couple below adorable, their dog was quite and cute as well.

Long rides on subways definitely call for a nap, especially when you have someone to lean on.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Our main transportation.

A very fancy biergarten on top of a shopping mall.

We also shopped around a flea market. The flea market had some expensive items, and some vendors didn't want pictures taken.

Fueling the crowd: Lots of beer.

Today in a train station, we ran across a crowd of soccer fans, pretty drunk soccer fans. Causing a stir, they sang and jumped around until the police, surprisingly polite, told them to break it off. Maybe the police was in their team's side.

Friday, May 14, 2010


An interesting picture pose from some Berliners against the Berlin Wall.

A statue in the Biergarten to start out your appetite.

Berliners and their fashion. This Berliner was wearing some sock-shaped shoes. I predict it to be the biggest trend in America by 2011.

The Berlin Wall has long been torn down in 1989, but some parts remain for generations to learn about the past.
I took this picture in the top of the Berlin Wall Memorial, where you can get a whole view of the Wall and TV Tower.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Before leaving ...
No worries, I got this mess down.